Saturday, 19 May 2012

St Quentin you've been living hell to me ...

Woke up at 4:02am and wished I was dead.
After a few coffees and breakfast, we hit the road at 8:00 am. Lovely and sunny, with a      light headwind - and because we didn't get lost, got to Bapaum for noon - great progress. By now it was hotand the afternoon shift was hard going.
Finally got to St Quentin by four - not feeling great. Sunburned arms (forgot to cream        them) and a painful left knee. Left off the beer (and the 47 vodkas), opting for the                ibuprofen nightcap instead.
Nice hotel with good bathrooms - almost a pleasure to wash my smalls in.
Filled with trepidation about tomorrow - could be a world of pain. Hope it's ok.

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